The Harsh Truth About Why Your Content Isn’t Growing | Tea w GaryVee Ep. 70
In this episode, I answer questions from entrepreneurs and content creators trying to break through. We cover how to actually get a job when you’re struggling, the best way to grow a local podcast, why influencers aren’t going anywhere, and the difference between optimism and delusion. If you're stuck in your business, overwhelmed with content creation, or just need a straight-up kick in the ass, this episode is for you. 💥
We talk about:✅ Why most job seekers aren’t applying NEARLY enough✅ How to actually get local people to listen to your podcast 🎙️✅ The secret to converting social media followers into customers✅ Why EVERYONE will be famous to 15 people in the future 👀✅ The fine line between optimism & delusion (Hint: it’s all about humility)✅ A powerful reality check on entitlement vs. real adversity✅ The #1 reason why most people’s content sucks (harsh but true)
💡 If you’re looking for no-BS, straight-to-the-point advice on growing your brand, making content that actually gets traction, and shifting your mindset, this one is a MUST-LISTEN.
👇 Hit play and start executing! 🚀
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1️⃣ How to Get a Job When No One’s Hiring
2️⃣ The Harsh Truth About Why Your Content Isn’t Growing
3️⃣ The #1 Mistake Killing Your Podcast Growth
4️⃣ You’re Not Applying to Enough Jobs—Here’s Why
5️⃣ Why Influencers Will Be HUGE in the Next 10 Years
6️⃣ The Difference Between Optimism & Delusion (Most Get This Wrong!)
7️⃣ The Secret to Growing a Local Podcast That No One Talks About
8️⃣ Everyone Will Be Famous to 15 People – Here’s Why
9️⃣ Entitlement Is Killing Your Business—Here’s How to Fix It
🔟 Commerce-tainment: The Future of Business & Social Media
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